Airblast & Sybrandy are proud to introduce a further extension of our abrasive cleaners program to enable even higher cleaning capacity.
All 3 types of abrasive cleaners are based on a “cascade” cleaning system. A separate filter unit creates an airflow in the housing over several abrasive “curtains”, flowing through the housing. The dust is separated from the abrasive grains and the cleaned abrasive can be reused. Clean abrasive with the right mixture of grain sizes enables the maximum cleaning speed and therefore maximum production capacity!
Our latest model – the K750 – has a maximum cleaning capacity up to 300 liter per minute / 18 m3 per hour – 50% more capacity than the previous largest unit in the range.
We advise the K750 in applications with a very high dust load or if a very high capacity abrasive reclaim system is required. In certain extreme situations which require large contaminants such as rust particles, paint flakes, welding stubs etc. to be removed we can also add a high capacity rotary drum sieve.
We are looking forward to discuss your specific requirements – for more information contact